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'As Lord Chancellor of the Myeong Commonwealth, I pledge to follow the shining examples of the ancient Hwaha judge Sage Goyo (고요) and English Lord Chancellor Saint Thomas More in keeping the Emperor’s Conscience, the independence of the courts, the rule of virtue and the rule of law, all in accordance with the Law of God. I will advocate human rights and freedoms as Secretary of Justice. 

I will defend parliamentary privilege as Lord President of the Confederal Council. I will resist the Emperor and the Prime Minister whenever they act against divine law and the Constitution as Lord President of the Privy Council. I will decide cases equitably as Lord President of the Court of Appeals and of the Court of Chancery of the Supreme Court of Justice.
And if one day, God forbid, I must be martyred to defend the above principles—forgive me, Your Majesty—I would speak none other than Lord Chancellor More’s final words: ‘I am the Emperor’s good servant, but God’s first’.

The Rt Hon Lord Muk LC PC (목이락)
HG The Duke of Yeongguk
Lord Chancellor
Lord President of the Court of Appeals

The Supreme Court of Justice (대리재판소) is the micronational continuation of the former Pyeongliwon (평리원) of the Daehan Empire. It plays an independent role in providing the Commonwealth with authoritative and consistent interpretations of the law, at various levels, for the Provinces, Protectorates, and Associated States of the confederation. 

It has within it a Court of Appeals (항소법원), presided over by the Lord Chancellor as Lord President (대리관), which functions as the final court on federal civil and criminal matters, and a High Court (고등법원), presided over by the Lord Chief Justice (대리재판소장), the first instance court on the same; within the latter exists several divisions, including the Court of Emperor's Bench (어좌법정) (constitutional, criminal, and civil matters), Court of Chancery (의리법정) (equity matters), Court of the Exchequer (세무법정) (taxation matters), and the Court of Propriety Law (예법법정) (ritual and ethical matters). Judges of the Supreme Court of Justice are appointed by HM The Emperor following the recommendation of an independent statutory commission.