명연방 개요
'The Myeong Commonwealth shall perpetually stand as a free confederation steadfast in its commitment to parliamentary democracy and the rule of law under the guidance of the sagely doctrines of Confucianism, with a constitutional monarch as its locus of unity.'
Article I, Constitution of the Myeong Commonwealth
Official Name
Myeong Commonwealth
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 Code
Il-wol Habmyeonggi
11 (2025 estimate)
Confederal parliamentary constitutional monarchy
English, Hanmun, Korean
Head of the Commonwealth
The Seongchi Emperor (since 2023)
Geographical Size
0 km2 (de facto); 32 km2 (de jure)
Head of Government
Baek Byeong-heon (since 2023)
'Professing that we hereby christen this renewed commonwealth the "Myeong Commonwealth," after the doctrine of Great Learning that one should ‘illuminate one's luminous virtue,’ which, according to Sage Wang Yangmyeong, means the actualisation of one's conscience. The Myeong Commonwealth is the ordained realm of the unity of conscience and action. Dominance may be sought through vast territories, yet authentic moral kingship requires no such expansive domain. We, as a global, spiritual, and cultural community, pledge that the Myeong Commonwealth will uphold the Kingly Way of Humaneness, striving for effective rule with limited intervention, conserving the best of human culture, and opposing totalitarianism, collectivism, and other harmful tendencies with the doctrines of the Sages, the Gate of Propriety, and the Path to Justice.'
Preamble, Constitution of the Myeong Commonwealth
The Myeong Commonwealth (명연방) is a constitutional monarchy (입헌군주제) with an emperor (The Seongchi Emperor, r. 2023-, pictured) whose role as head of the confederation is mainly ceremonial. Myeongean parliamentary democracy has checks and balances between executive, legislative, judicial, prosecutorial, and superintendent bodies, Commonwealth authorities and confederal subjects, and free, fair, and regular elections.
The Commonwealth Assembly (연방의회), the supreme organ of law-making, has two chambers: the House of Peoples (만민원) (the lower house), and the Confederal Council (만방원) (the upper house). The popularly elected House of Peoples is the more powerful of the two, with the authority to elect and recall the Prime Minister, approve the Government's budget, and ratify treaties. The Confederal Council, consisting of appointees of democratically elected governments, plays a broadly consultative role concerning legislative proposals that seek to alter the pre-relationship between Commonwealth authorities and confederal subjects, as well as between confederal subjects.
The Prime Minister (내각수보대신) is the head of Government and Commander-in-Chief of the Security Forces of the Commonwealth, with powers to appoint and dismiss Secretaries of the Commonwealth, to initiate legislation, to declare a state of public emergency, and even to dissolve the House of Peoples.
The Supreme Court of Justice (대리재판소), the Commonwealth Procuratorate (도찰원), and the Commonwealth Inspectorate (통정원) all operate independently as checks on executive and legislative conduct, and as custodians of the rule of law and constitutional rights and freedoms.
The flag of the Myeong Commonwealth, known as Il-wol Habmyeonggi (일월합명기), is replete with Confucian symbolism. Il-wol Habmyeong (일월합명) is a concept drawn from the esteemed Confucian tome, Yeokgyeong (I Ching or Classic of Change) (역경), signifying 'the luminous celestial bodies, the sun and the moon, radiating their brilliance in harmony, illuminating the world in unison.' The profound essence of this phrase is that an individual of virtuous character displays an unreserved visibility akin to the synchronised motion of the sun and moon. As the sun rises and the moon sets, and vice versa, their presence is not confined to a select few. This emblematises the genuineness and resplendent conscience of a sage, devoid of any pretence, insincerity, deceit, or secrecy.
At the heart of the flag lies a depiction of a white crescent moon melded with a golden sun to create a larger circle, symbolising equilibrium and concord between the passive and active cosmic forces of eum (음) and yang (양) respectively. This configuration mirrors the Hanja character for the term 'Myeong' (명), the appellation of the Commonwealth and the word denoting 'brightness' in its literal sense. Together, they emit twelve distinct rays, representing the East Asian division of a day into twelve two-hour segments, emblematic of ceaseless advancement. Moreover, the four longer rays symbolise the four cardinal virtues of Confucianism: humanity, righteousness, propriety, and wisdom (인, 의, 예, 지). The colour blue signifies peace; red symbolises joy; white embodies purity; and yellow denotes prosperity.
The Coat of Arms of the Myeong Commonwealth, designed by The Rt Hon Lord Muk LC PC, HG The Duke of Yeongguk, consists of the following elements:
The Emperor’s Myeonlyugwan (면류관) and Imperial Robes: The Myeonlyugwan, or the Imperial Commonwealth Crown, consists of 12 beads of gems (류), worn exclusively by emperors in the Hwaha Confucian tradition. The robes are in the scarlet colour on the exterior, and patterned in the blue and white on the interior, echoing the Daemyeong Empire's signature ‘blue-and-white porcelain’ (청화백자).
Golden Dragon Supporters and Flaming Pearl Crest: The supporters and the crest together form the depiction of the famous Hwaha totam of ‘Two Dragons Chasing a Flaming Pearl,' an ancient symbol for blessedness and nobility, and a desire to reach the Divine Logos (천도).
River Compartment: The compartment consists of two major rivers of the Korean Peninsula. The yellow river represents the Han River (한강) which connects the Peninsula to the Yellow Sea; the blue river depicts the Imjin River (림진강) over which the joint forces of the Daemyeong Empire and the Daemyeong Kingdom of Joseon resisted Japanese invasion during the Imjin War (임진왜란).
Imperial Belt and Motto: The imperial belt in the scarlet and golden colours is marked by the words ‘Coelum Terramque Illuminare,' the motto of the Commonwealth 'Illuminate Heaven and Earth' in Latin, which signifies the catholic mission of the Commonwealth. The motto ‘光明天地’ (광명천지) in ancient Hanja calligraphy is repeated below on a scroll.
Hwassibyeok Pendent: The royal belt bears the Hwassibyeok (화씨벽) as its pendent, is the material for the ‘Heirloom Seal of the Commonwealth’ (전국옥새), and signifies the Commonwealth’s legitimate inheritance of the orthodox Confucian imperial lineage. As Sage Confucius taught, 'jade is a symbol for the virtue of a person of exemplary character'; signifying the importance of the rule of virtue in the Commonwealth.
Emblem of the Commonwealth: The Eagle Emblem, which originates in the Daehan Empire, is the emblem of the Myeong Commonwealth. The eagle, which holds the sword of justice and the orb of peace, represents longevity and victory. The cross on the orb commemorates the overwhelming population of Confucian-Christians at the time of the Realm's founding. The nine Taegeuk symbols on the Eagle represent the ancient nine provinces of Hwaha, which in turn metaphorically symbolise All-under-Heaven. The eight Trigrams surrounding the central Taegeuk represent eight primordial features of the cosmos.
The Myeong Commonwealth is dedicated to preserving the legacies of the Ha, Sang, and Ju eras, considered glorious historical periods. The Myeong monarchy is the continuation of the imperial lineage of the Daemyeong Empire, also known as the 'Empire of Great Illumination', or the First Realm.
The motto of the Daehan Empire, or the Second Realm—'Illuminate Heaven and Earth' (광명천지), has been directly adopted as the motto of the Myeong Commonwealth, which understands it as a summary of this verse from the Yeokgyeong (《역경》) (I Ching; Classic of Changes): 'The virtue of a Sage resonates with the harmony of Heaven and Earth, while his wisdom illuminates like the Sun and the Moon.'
The unofficial national flower of the Daemyeong Empire, Molan (모란) (Paeonia suffruticosa), has been re-adopted by the Myeong Commonwealth as its official micronational flower. It is also the symbol of the Imperial House, as evidenced by a stylised Molan in the Emblem of the House of Ju. Molan symbolises love, beauty, power, wealth, resilience, a strong will, the family, the glorious past, and the cultural influence of the Commonwealth. As the Flower of the Commonwealth, Molan represents the identity and history of the Myeongean people and shows their resilience, beauty, and lasting spirit.
The Hwanggeukga (황극가), which has its origins in the Patriotic Anthem (애국가) of the Daehan Empire, is a piece of music that represents the Commonwealth's identity and pride. Today, the Anthem expresses the Myeong people's love for their micronation and determination to defend it. The song's lyrics talk about the sovereignty of God and the desire of the people (represented by their Emperor) for divine guidance and protection, and the beauty of all that is within the cosmos. It is an integral part of the Myeong micronational identity and is a reminder of the strength and resilience of the Myeongean peoples.
New Year's Day (신정): 1 January
Myeong Day (대명경일): 23 January
Lunar New Year (설날): 1st day of 1st lunar month
Good Friday (성금요일): varies every year
Constitution Day (제헌절): 17 August
Chuseok (추석): 15th day of 8th lunar month
- Feast of the Chair of Sage Paul (성현 보록 성좌 축제): 8 September
Birthday of Sage Confucius (공자탄): 28 September
Daehan Empire Commemoration Day (대한제국 국경일): 13 October
Christmas Day (성탄절): 25 December