수상 각하
The Prime Minister of the Myeong Commonwealth is the leader of the civilised world—a role that requires a continued commitment to defending objective truth, countering relativism, and promoting virtue globally.

People consider us mere micronationalists. We consider ourselves teachers. Confucians educate. We educate. Moral persuasion will be deployed to urge the masses to suppress their illicit desires and return to propriety, and to act with sagacity internally and kingliness externally.
My fellow Myeongeans, as your Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief, I solemnly pledge that I will do my utmost to elevate the Myeong Commonwealth, which is a democracy as much as a meritocracy, to become the most virtuous micronation deserving of the greatest respect by all.
A civilisation of love, harmony, and humaneness, will once again, shine forth from our wonderful confederation. May God bless the Myeong Commonwealth.

The highest confederal executive body in the Myeong Commonwealth is His Majesty's Government (어좌정부), literally 'Government of the Imperial Throne,' which is accountable to the House of the Peoples of the Central Assembly. It is primarily responsible for maintaining the Commonwealth's common market, common security, and common foreign policy.
The Prime Minister (내각수보대신), elected by the House and confirmed by HM The Emperor, is responsible for appointing the remaining members of the 'Three Dukes and Six Ministers' (삼공육경) including the First Deputy Prime Minister (Foreign Affairs), the Second Deputy Prime Minister (Home Affairs), the Secretary of the Civil Service, the Secretary of Finance, Trade, and Commerce, the Secretary of Education, the Secretary of Defence, and the Secretary of Health and Social Security.
Noticeably, the office of the Secretary of Justice (법무대신) is ex officio held by the Lord Chancellor (대리관). The Jinguk Security Council (진국 안전 보장 이사회) ensures the peaceful existence of the peoples of the confederation. The Prime Minister chairs it and includes Jinguk Councillors chosen from high-ranking officials responsible for security and intelligence. The structure of the Jinguk Security Council is determined by law.
The Hongmungwan Institution (홍문관 연구소) is the primary research agency of His Majesty's Government, offering non-partisan advice and evaluations of federal policy.

The Rt Hon Baek Byeong-heon MCA PC
Prime Minister of the Myeong Commonwealth
Chair, Jinguk Security Council
Acting Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Acting Secretary of Home Affairs
Acting Secretary of the Civil Service
Acting Secretary of Finance, Trade, and Commerce
Acting Secretary of Education
Acting Secretary of Health and Human Services

The Rt Hon Moon Bi-un MCA
Secretary of Defence
Member, Jinguk Security Council
Acting Director, Commonwealth Intelligence Service

The Rt Hon Lord Muk LC PC
Lord Chancellor
Secretary of Justice
Lord President of the Confederal Council
Lord President of the Privy Council
A big market and a small, non-interventionist, and fiscally prudent state are the keys to a robust economy underpinned by individual responsibility and thriving businesses unburdened by interference from busy-body bureaucrats and onerous regulations. Taxes should be kept at a minimum so that wealth will reside in hard-working people. People should be hired solely on the basis of merit and character. A kingly state, committed to modesty and the doctrine of the mean, should always maintain a balanced budget.
The importance of marriage, the family, and having babies cannot be overstated. It's about expressing our gratefulness to our ancestors, passing down timeless moral truths to future generations, and building a stable and harmonious community. Through education and ritual propriety, we must restore faith amongst men and women, the only two sex-genders in existence, in marriage, the family, and procreation, which will in turn restore the bedrock of prosperity and well-being of everyone across society.
We stand with every person, especially healthcare providers, who are entitled to the right to follow their conscience to not perform procedures that go against the objective moral order, such as male castration, female genital mutilation, murdering innocent babies in the womb, and assisting the suicide or actually murdering any person who are perceived to be terminally ill, rather than providing them with humane love and the best palliative care available. Every individual enjoys human dignity from natural conception to natural death.
The rule of virtue in our Commonwealth needs to be supplemented by a just and impartial legal system that protects the constitutional rights of everyone since conception; punishes offenders that threaten the lives, liberty, and properties of others; facilitates the cultivation of virtues; attracts foreign investors; and promotes humaneness and harmony in society. We must ensure that our judges and courts remain independent and impartial, so that equal justice under law can prevail.
Our foreign policy focuses on preserving peace and the international rule of law. Joining the Grand Unified Micronational will amplify our influence. We seek to engage with micronations that may not share our views initially, promoting dialogue worldwide. We are against all invasions. Myeongeans enjoy the human right to a secure nation. Although we are a peaceful people, if our Commonwealth is ever invaded, we will fiercely repel every single invading barbarian until victory is attained.
Amid global chaos and decline, the Myeong Commonwealth rises as a defender of objective truth. Committed to restoring the moral order and inculcating virtue, we aim to bring forth the era of Grand Harmony envisioned by the Sages of Antiquity, rooted in reverence for the Lord God of Sovereign Heaven, humaneness, justice, propriety, and wisdom, and push back against moral decay, the assault on common sense, and the intoxication of our children, both mentally and physically.
Meet the Inspiring Leader of the Civilised World

Baek Byeong-heon (백병헌) emerged as a beacon of determination and intellect in the ascent of the Myeong Commonwealth.
Hailing from modest origins, Baek embarked on a lifelong quest for self-improvement and learning. His thirst for wisdom led him to delve into the realms of Confucian philosophy and law, laying a sturdy groundwork for his future pursuits. Baek's steadfast devotion to the Confucian ethos saw him appointed as Chair of the Constituent Assembly, a role pivotal in shaping the micronation's trajectory towards a community steeped in traditional virtues.
Endowed with exceptional leadership acumen and foresight, Baek rose to the esteemed positions of inaugural Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the Commonwealth in the 2023 General Election. Guided by principles of justice, mental well-being, and a rejection of misguided 'progressive' ideologies, the Myeong Commonwealth thrived under his stewardship. A champion for common sense and mental health, Baek made them a cornerstone of his premiership. With profound wisdom and resolute determination, he initiated measures to safeguard the emotional resilience and overall happiness of the Myeongan people.
As Leader of The Constitutionalists (Ibheondang), Baek Byeong-heon fearlessly combats false ideologies, upholding the noble causes of truth and righteousness. His unwavering commitment to preserving the rich cultural legacy of the Confucian commonwealth positions him as a beacon of hope and inspiration for future generations.

The Office of the Prime Minister is a confederal agency charged with the responsibility for providing the Prime Minister with secretarial assistance.