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회원국으로 가입하기

The Myeong Commonwealth stands as a free coalition of 32 aterritorial self-governing micronational entities, each enjoying a significant level of autonomy and constitutional safeguards, bolstered by a robust common security, vibrant common market, and cohesive common foreign policy, all offered to entities under the category of Associated States at zero cost, and Provinces and Protectorates of the Commonwealth at reasonable cost.

You do not need to be East Asian, or have anything to do with East Asia. The Myeong Commonwealth stands as a haven for all who uphold the principles that (1) the state is tasked with protecting the inherent dignity of every individual from the moment of conception to the natural end of life; (2) preserving freedom of conscience; (3) respecting the universal moral framework; and (4) exercising restraint in intervening in economic, social, and familial affairs, within the framework of a (5) parliamentary democracy, where (6) essential rights and freedoms are safeguarded by the rule of law.

For any group of at least 3 persons intrigued by the idea of governing a micronation that is part of a greater community of micronations, enjoying full support from a strong confederation, we invite you to reach out to us through the provided form below. Choose one of the diverse and interesting existing Provinces, Protectorates, or Associated States to run—the vast majority are currently unpopulated. Together, let's explore the boundless opportunities that lie ahead in our ever-stronger Myeong Commonwealth.
Hwanggi Crown Province (황기도)*
  New Seomseo Province (신섬서도)
New Sanseo Province (신산서도)
New Sandong Province (신산동도)
New Hanam Province (신하남도)
New Jeolgang Province (신절강도)
New Gangseo Province (신강서도)
New Hokwang Province (신호광도)
New Sacheon Province (신사천도)
New Kwangdong Province (신광동도)
New Bokgeon Province (신복건도)
New Kwangseo Province (신광서도)
New Gwiju Province (신귀주도)
New Unnam Province (신운남도)

*Includes the following Duchies:
The Archduchy of Suguk (영대공국)
The Duchy of Yeongguk (영공국)
The Yeonseong City-State (연성시국)

New Nurgan Protectorate (신누르간보호방)
New Dokham Protectorate (신타감보호방)
New Utsang Protectorate (신위창보호방)
New Elis Protectorate (신아력사보호방)

Associated States
The Kingdom of New Joseon
The Realm of New Yamato
The Kingdom of New Ryukyu
The Kingdom of Dongnyeong
The Kingdom of New Annam
The Kingdom of New Kambuja
The Kingdom of New Sayam
The Sultanate of New Melaka
The Realm of New Majapahi
The Khanate of New Tartaria
The Sultanate of New Borneo
The Kingdom of New Toungoo